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RAB - Radio Access Bearer pmSumCs12RabEstablish a snapshot of the total number of currently active speech 12.2 kbit RAB connections is reco...

Ericsson Counter RAB

RAB - Radio Access Bearer

pmSumCs12RabEstablish a snapshot of the total number of currently active speech 12.2 kbit RAB connections is recorded once every 5 seconds. This counter contains the sum of all the snapshot values taken in a ROP period added together
pmSamplesCs12RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for number of active speech 12.2 kbit RAB. pmSumCs12RabEstablish/pmSamplesCs12RabEstablish gives the average number of single CS12 RABs which were active during a ROP period.
pmSumCs64RabEstablish a snapshot of the total number of currently active speech 64 kbitRAB connections is recorded once every 5 seconds. This counter contains the sum of all the snapshot values taken in a ROP period added together
pmSamplesCs64RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for number of conversational 64 kbit RAB. pmSumCs64RabEstablish/pmSamplesCs64RabEstablish gives the average number of single CS64 RABs which were active during a ROP period.
pmSumCs57RabEstablish a snapshot of the total number of currently active CS 57 RABs connections is recorded once every 5 seconds.This counter contains the sum of all the snapshot values taken in a ROP period added together
pmSamplesCs57RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for number of CS 57 RABs. pmSumCs57RabEstablish/pmSamplesCs57RabEstablish gives the average number of single CS57 RABs which were active during a ROP period.
pmSumCs12Ps64RabEstablish a snapshot of the total number of currently active speech CS plus 64/64 connections PS multiRAB. It is recorded once every 5 seconds.This counter contains the sum of all the snapshot values taken in a ROP period added together
pmSamplesCs12Ps64RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for number of speech CS plus 64/64 PS multi RAB. pmSumCs12Ps64RabEstablish/pmSamplesCs12Ps64RabEstablish gives the average number of single CS12 RABs which were active during a ROP period.
pmSamplesAmr12200RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for “number of speech AM12200 RABs established”.
pmSumAmr12200RabEstablish Sum of sample values recorded within ROP period for ‘Number of Speech AMR 12200 RABs established’.
pmSamplesAmr7950RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for “number of speech AMR7950 RABs established”.
pmSumAmr7950RabEstablish Sum of sample values recorded within ROP period for ‘Number of Speech AMR 7950 RABs established’.
pmSamplesAmr5900RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for “number of speech AMR5900 RABs established”.
pmSumAmr5900RabEstablish Sum of sample values recorded within ROP period for ‘Number of Speech AMR 5900 RABs established’.
pmSamplesAmr4750RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for “number of speech AMR4750 RABs established”.
pmSumAmr4750RabEstablish Sum of sample values recorded within ROP period for ‘Number of Speech AMR 4750 RABs established’.
pmSamplesBestAmr12200RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for “number of speech AM12200 RABs established” for the best cell in the active set
pmSumBestAmr12200RabEstablish Sum of sample values recorded within ROP period for ‘Number of Speech AMR 12200 RABs established’ for the best cell in the active set.
pmSamplesBestAmr7950RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for “number of speech AMR7950 RABs established” for the best cell in the active set.
pmSumBestAmr7950RabEstablish Sum of sample values recorded within ROP period for ‘Number of Speech AMR 7950 RABs established’ for the best cell in the active set.
pmSamplesBestAmr5900RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for “number of speech AMR5900 RABs established” for the best cell in the active set.
pmSumBestAmr5900RabEstablish Sum of sample values recorded within ROP period for ‘Number of Speech AMR 5900 RABs established’ for the best cell in the active set.
pmSamplesBestAmr4750RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for “number of speech AMR4750 RABs established” for the best cell in the active set.
pmSumBestAmr4750RabEstablish Sum of sample values recorded within ROP period for ‘Number of Speech AMR 4750 RABs established’ for the best cell in the active set.
pmSumPsSTr64Ps8RabEstablish A snapshot of the totla number of currently active PS Streaming 16/64 + PS Interactive 8 kbps RAB recorded once every 30 seconds.
pmSamplesPsSTr64Ps8RabEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for number of active PS streaming ply PS8 multi RABs.
pmSumRABEstablish A snapshot of the total number of currently active RABs is recored once every 30 seconds.
pmSamplesRABEstablish Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for number of RABs established.
pmNoRABEstablishSuccessPacketInteractiveEul The number of successful RAB establishments for PS Interactive RAB mapped on E-DCH/HSDPA
pmNoRABEstablishSuccessCS57 The number of successful RAB establishments CS57 referred to the Best Cell in the Active Set
pmNoRABEstablishSuccessCS64 The number of successful RAB establishments CS64 referred to the Best Cell in the Active Set
pmNoRABEstablishSuccessPacketInteractive The number of successful RAB establishments PS Data Interactive referred to the Best Cell in the Active Set
pmNoRABEstablishSuccessPacketStream The number of successful RAB establishments PS Streaming referred to the Best Cell in the Active Set
pmNoRABEstablishSuccessSpeech The number of successful RAB establishments Speech referred to the Best Cell in the Active Set
pmSumBestAmrCs12RabEstablish Sum of all sample values recorded once every 5 seconds for ‘number of distinct speech users’,referred to the best cell in the Active set.
pmSamplesBestCS12RabEstablish Number of samples recoreded once every 5 seconds within ROP predio for ‘ number of distinct speech users.’, referred to the best cell in the Active Set.
pmNoFailedRABEstAttemptLackDlPwr Number of failed RAB establishment attempts due to lack of DL power
pmNoFailedRABEstAttemptLackChnlCode Number of failed RAB establishment attempts due to lack of DL channelization codes
pmNoFailedRABEstAttemptLackDlASE Number of failed RAB establishment attempts due to lack of DL ASE
pmNoFailedRABEstAttemptLackUlASE Number of failed RAB establishment attempts due to lack of UL ASE
pmSamplesCS64PS8Establish The number of samples recorded in the ROP period for the multi-RAB UDI+8/8
pmNoRABEstablishSuccessPacketInteractiveHS The number of successful RAB establishments for PS Interactive RAB mapped on HS-DSCH.
pmSamplesBestPSEulRABEstablish Stepped every time the corresponding sum counter of the best cell, pmSumBestPSEUlRabEstablished, is incremented
pmSumBestPSEulRABEstablish Number of E-DCH radio bearers established in this cell when it is the best cell, incremented every 5 seconds.
pmSamplesPsEulRAbEstablish Stepped every time the corresponding sum counter of the best cell, pmSumPSEUlRabEstablished, is incremented
pmSumPsEulRAbEstablish Number of E-DCH radio bearers established in this cell, incremented every 5 seconds.
pmSamplesPSHsAdchRABEstablished Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for ‘Number of A-DCHs established’.
pmSumPSHsAdchRABEstablished Sum of all sample values for ‘Number of A-DCHs established’.
pmSamplesBestPSHsAdchRABEstablished Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for ‘Number of A-DCHs radio bearers established’ in the cell carrying HS-DSCH in the active set.
pmSumBestPSHsAdchRABEstablished Sum of all sample values for ‘Number of A-DCHs radio bearers established in the cell carrying Hs-DSCH in the active set’.
pmNoRABEstablishSuccessPacketStream128 Number of successful RAB establishments (PS Streaming 128) referred to the best cell in the Active Set
pmSamplesPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish Number of samples within the ROP period for the number of PS Streaming 16/128 and PS streaming 128/16 kbps RABs established.
pmSumPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish Sum of all sample values recorded once every 5 seconds for number PS Streaming 16/128 and PS Streaming 128/16 RAB established.
pmSamplesBestPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish Number of samples within the ROP period for the number of PS Streaming 16/128 and PS streaming 128/16 kbps RABs established for the best cell in the active set.
pmSumBestPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish Sum of all sample values recorded once every 5 seconds for number PS Streaming 16/128 and PS Streaming 128/16 RAB established for the best cell in the active set.
pmSamplesBestCS57RabEstablish Number of samples within the ROP period for the number of Streaming 57.6 kbps CS RABs established for the best cell in the active set.
pmSumBestCs57RabEstablish Sum of all sample values recorded once every 5 seconds for number Streaming 57.6 CS RAB established for the best cell in the active set.
pmSamplesBestCS64RabEstablish Number of samples within the ROP period for the number of conversational 64 kbps CS RABs established for the best cell in the active set.
pmSumBestCs64RabEstablish Sum of all sample values recorded once every 5 seconds for number conversational 64 kbps CS RAB established for the best cell in the active set.
pmSamplesBestPsStr64PS8RabEstablish Number of samples within the ROP period for the number of PS streaming 64/16 and PS streaming 16/64 kbps RABs established for the best cell in the active set.
pmSumBestPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish Sum of all sample values recorded once every 5 seconds for number of PS streaming 64/16 and PS streaming 16/64 kbps RABs established for the best cell in the active set.
pmsamplesPSInteractive Number of samples recorded within the ROP period for ‘Number of Interactive PS RABs established excluding RABs on HS configurations or Cell_FACH
pmSumPSInteractive Sum of all sample values recorded for number of interactive PS RABs established excluding RABs on HS configurations of cell_FACH.
pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest Number of failed RAB establishment due to lack of DL hardware resources, for the best cell in the active set.
pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHwBest Number of failed RAB establishment due to lack of UL hardware resources, for the best cell in the active set.
pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw Number of failed RAB establishment due to lack of DL hardware resources.
pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHw Number of failed RAB establishment due to lack of UL hardware resources.

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