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IRAT - Inter Radio Access Technology pmNoSucccessOutIRATHOSpeech Number of successful speech outgoing Inter System Handovers pmNoSucccessOut...

Ericsson Counter IRAT

IRAT - Inter Radio Access Technology

pmNoSucccessOutIRATHOSpeech Number of successful speech outgoing Inter System Handovers
pmNoSucccessOutIRATHOCS57 Number of successful CS57 outgoing Inter System Handovers
pmNoSucccessOutIRATHOMulti Number of successful multi-RAB outgoing Inter System Handovers
pmNoInCSIratHoSuccess Number of successful CS incoming Inter System Handovers
pmNoInCSIRATHoAtt Number of attempted CS incoming Inter System Handovers (counted before module and central MP load control, after SCCP MP Load control)
pmNoInCsIratHoAdmFail Number of CS Incoming Inter System Handovers that failed due to admission blocking in UTRAN.
pmNoOutIratCcAtt Total number of the PS Inter-RATCC attempts on DCH
pmNoOutIratCcReturnOldCh Total number of the PS Inter-RATCC attempts for Ue on DCH where the UE returns to old channel
pmNoOutIratCcSuccess Number of successful PS Inter-RAT cell change attempts for UE on dedicated channel. The counter is triggered by CN Iu Release Command following the sending of the Cell Change Order from Utran message.
pmTotNoRRcConnectAttIratCellResel Total number of RRC connection establishment attempts with establishment cause Inter-RAT cell reselection.
pmTotNoRRcConnectAttIratCcOrder Total number of RRC connection establishment attempts with establishment cause Inter-RAT cell change order
pmTotlNoRrcConnectFailCongIratCellResel Number of unsuccessful RRC Connection establishments with establishment cause Inter-RAT cell reselection, which failed due to congestion
pmTotNoRrcConnectFailCongIratCcOrder Number of unsuccessful RRC Connection establishments with establishment cause Inter-RAT cell change order, which failed due to congestion.

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