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PAGING pmNoCellUpdAttempt total number of attempted cell update procedures (periodic and cell reselection, RRC cell update message received ...

Ericsson Counter PAGING


pmNoCellUpdAttempt total number of attempted cell update procedures (periodic and cell reselection, RRC cell update message received with Cell Update Cause = Cell Reselection or Periodic Cell Update)
PmNoCellUpdSuccess total number of successful cell update procedures (periodic and cell reselection, RRC cell update message received with Cell Update Cause = Cell Reselection or Periodic Cell Update)

pmNoPagingAttemptCnInitDcch Number of CN-initiated pages set onDCCH to connected mode Ues.
pmNoPageDiscardCmpLoadC Number of pages discarded due to central MP Load control
pmNoPagingAttemptUtranRejected Number of page requests rejected by UTRAN
pmNoPagingType1Attempt Counting the number of page type 1 attempts to idle Ues in a cell (excluding) retransmissions)
pmNoPagingType1AttemptCs Counting the number of page type 1 attempts with cause ‘Terminating Conversational Call’ to idle Ues in a cell (excluding retransmission).
pmNoPagingType1AttemptPs Counting the number of page type 1attempts with cause ‘Terminating Interactive Call’ or ‘Terminating Background Call’ to idle Ues in a cell (excluding retransmission).
pmCnInitPagingToIdleUeLa Number of CN-Initiated pages sent to idle mode Ues (with CN identity specified in the RRC Paging Type 1 (message) in specified Location Area (LA) (circuit-switched pages).
pmCnInitPagingToIdleUeRa Number of CN-Initiated pages sent to idle mode Ues (with CN identity specified in the RRC Paging Type 1 (message) in specified Routing Area (RA) (packet switched pages).
pmUTRANInitPagingToUraUe Number of Utran initiated pages attempted for Ues in URA-PCH state.
pmCnInitPagingToUraUe Number of CN initiated pages attempted for Ues in URA_PCH

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